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Saturday, August 07, 2004

Just a specimen of Venezuelan humour...

(Sure that I ´m going to be censored and earn a "color de hormiga" card, I can´t resist the temptation to post this joke here).

Conjugacion del verbo REVOCAR:

YO revoco

TU revocas


NOSOTROS celebramos

VOSOTROS celebráis

ELLOS huyen

In English:

I revoke

You revoke


We celebrate

You celebrate


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Friday, August 06, 2004

An attempt to enlight the situation.

The last couple of days have been quite agitated both in Venezuela and CC.
Andres has always tried to make things lighter by posting some Poetry from Venezuelan Laurates.
Some have mentioned the need to let go and release the tension.
So, I'll leave you with a piece of music(at least its lyrics), in order to ease our moods in this last stretch of the road till the 15th.

Sobre mis párpados vela
el gallo de la madrugada,
sobre el péndulo que la vigilia mueve.
Tus rotundas palabras,
tu cortante gesto son el gélido viento que silba
por las rendijas de mi pensamiento.
Y es tan grande la tristeza que hoy siento...
Aléjate espejismo del amor eterno,
sólo eres literaria veleidad.
Ni al peregrino das posada
ni al sediento agua
ni al que ansía saber muestras la verdad.
Detesto el tiempo, la ansiedad lamento.
Descansar sólo quiero, junto al calor del fuego,
Me amarro al momento, y lo único que poseo,
con los hombres azules
irme al azul desierto.
Es lo que hoy deseo,
y a ti te deseo que de cascabeles,
pífanos y timbales se alegre tu camino.
Que nunca te sea adverso el destino.
Que encuentres en tu vida
amigos diáfanos y entretenidos.

Sobre mis párpados velas,
frágil ave de la madrugada.
Eres péndulo que en la vigilia hiere.
Tus cortantes palabras,
tu rotundo gesto
son el gélido viento que silba
por las rendijas de mi pensamiento.
Y es tan honda la nostalgia que hoy siento...

Aléjate espejismo del amor eterno,
sólo eres literaria veleidad.
Ni al peregrino das posada
ni al sediento agua
ni al que ansía saber muestras la verdad.

Somete el tiempo apagará el lamento
bajo un límpido cielo al calor del fuego.
Me acojo el momento y lo único que deseo
es con los hombres azules
irme al azul desierto.
Es lo que hoy deseo.
Y a ti te deseo
que encuentres tu camino.

Es lo que hoy te deseo y lo que hoy te escribo.

Manolo Garcia(Musico Español, Los Hombres Azules,2001)

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For all those who expect the best from (AND FOR) Venezuela


Por todos los astros lleva el sueño
pero sólo en la tierra despertamos.

Dormidos flotamos en el éter,
nos arrastran las naves invisibles
hacia mundos remotos,
pero sólo en la tierra abren los párpados.

La tierra amada día tras día,
maravillosa, errante,
que trae el sol al hombro de tan lejos
y lo prodiga en nuestras casas.

Siempre seré fiel a la noche
y al fuego de todas sus estrellas
pero miradas desde aquí,
no podría irme, no sé habitar otro paisaje.
Ni con la muerte dejaría
que mis cenizas salgan de sus campos.
La tierra es el único planeta
que prefiere los hombres a los ángeles.

Más que el silencio de la tumba
temo la hora de resurrección:
demasiado terrible
es despertar mañana en otra parte.


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Thursday, August 05, 2004

on the subject on the "correct behaviour"

Tips for Effective Online Communication
Online etiquette is often referred to as "netiquette".
Remember: You are communicating with real people, not machines.

  • Use the same courtesy as you would extend someone you are having a phone conversation with.

  • Don not entice a flame and don?t participate in flamefests. Flaming occurs when you send a message that provokes an angry, and often nasty, response. When others join in, a full-fledged flamefest ensues.

  • Use the same rules regarding good grammar, punctuation and word choice as you would for any written communication.

  • Don not type your message in all capital letters. the are hard to read. This is known as SHOUTING and may provoke flaming.

  • Use the subject line to give recipients an idea of the message?s contents.

  • Don not use vulgar language or make sexist comments.

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Wednesday, August 04, 2004

An anecdote to start a new thread

Yesterday, I was in the mood for hot-dogs, so I went to a street vendor very near my house. There was a girl there, waiting for a "pepito" (that´s a meat sandwich, delicious, for the unfortunate non-Venezuelans that have never tasted it), and, by their dialogue, I figured out two things: 1) she used to work around there, while she lives somewhere else; 2) she and the vendor knew each other and were on friendly terms.
Suddenly, out of nowhere, he started to talk about how he was going to vote for the NO, and about this hot girl that lived near by... "but she is an escuálida, so I´m losing points there" (the speech was a little bit longer, but that was the drift). Neither the girl nor me said a word, but then I turned out to look at her, and she was looking at me. We both smiled, and, without a word, we both knew the other was going to vote YES. No publicity, no outward signs, nothing but a look and a shy, sly, smile. Isn´t it wonderful to live in a country where you can communicate without words with total strangers as if you had known them all your life?

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Tuesday, August 03, 2004

A little bit of Humor(the Gallinarization of CC)

sorry guys...

needed to cheer things a little.

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