The video goes over a lot of painful memories from the Recall Referendum saga. It's hard to watch, at points.
On the up side, it will be an eye-opener to foreigners who stumble upon it. Liberally sprinkled with incredibly intolerant chavista spokesmen making borderline fascist statements - don't miss Lina Ron vowing to kill anyone who signs against Chavez - it shows the nasty, thuggish side of the regime our sandalista buddies so steadfastly refuse to acknowledge. When all is said and done, chavismo equates dissent with treason - that's the brutal reality La Lista keeps hammering home.
On the down side, crappy Spanish-to-English translation is a major pet peeve of mine and I'm just astounded that they couldn't do a better job here. At one point they render "arrepentido" as "neglected"...what's up with that? Even the title got mangled - morphing from "The List: A People Under Suspicion" to "A People Under Siege." Do these guys have no concept of proof reading?
It infuriates me because this is an important video, one that should be shown abroad again and again - but its impact can only be blunted by the rookie translation job. Ugh!