Some of the loyal chavistas were there: Iris Varela, Adán, Tarek, Aristóbulo, García Ponce. Others have since fallen out of favor with chavismo, sometimes dramatically: Miquilena, Olavarría, Hermann Escarrá, Alfredo Peña, Angela Zago, Ricardo Combellas. The token representatives of the opposition were also there: Claudio Fermín, Alberto Francheschi, Virgilio Ávila Vivas (?), Julio Borges (although he wasn't part of any of the "Comisiones", was he shunned?). And some others were there as "coleados": Eliecer Otaiza? Marisabel de Chávez? Henry Falcón? Mirna Vies (who?)?
Pura joyita, pueh...
Post 80 of 100 ... glancing through that list, it's a wonder we got a semi-coherent Constitution out of it. I wish it were still valid.